Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New to the Game of Blogging

I am a virgin blogger. So... if you are reading this, know that I am horrible at spelling and I never dreamed I would one day be expressing my warped thought process for anyone to read. Other than that, thank you for sharing this special moment with me. Ironic that my first post is about getting pregnant.

In reality, I am writing for myself. BUT, if someone can gain something from my ramblings, all the better. So, where do I start?

Last year, as I watched President Obama dance with his wife on January 20th, I was in shock. "We now have a half-black president, and I am pregnant with a half-black baby." That thought repeated itself in my mind, sitting on the couch, holding a pregnancy test, watching T.V.

I already had a teenage daughter. I was looking forward to parental retirement in 4.5 years when she was planning to leave home ("Mom, you can't really expect me to stay home?????") to attend university. What business did I have having another child?

What I did not know at the time, was the lil' angel growing inside of me had Down Syndrome. So, this blog is to help me remember my journey thus far, and chronicle it for the future. Maybe it will help me sort out my thoughts, maybe not. Maybe it will help some other lost parent, sibling, or friend of someone who has a D.S. child. Maybe not. Who knows? Am I boring anyone yet?

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